Time Away From the Tech Toy

In today’s New York Times Style section there was an article titled “Step Away From The Phone!,” that clearly caught my eye. It offers an interesting perspective on the current backlash that technology, and precisely our phones, have on our lives as my daughter Snapchats away. A few examples of New Yorkers that adopted this, use the “phone stack game”  before dinner with friends where the first person to pick up their phone pays the bill. Another clever tactic is the fish bowl system where all phones go into the jar until dinner’s end.


I am in full support with the disconnect– I honestly just don’t know if I can put it into practice. It’s good for the mind, and the lack of sleep is a big factor for me because those lights are so darn distracting and disruptive. Marc Jacobs adopted this system as well, he didn’t want to sleep next to a beeping robot. He therefore banned digital devices from his bedroom, a house rule he shared with audiences during a recent screening of “Disconnect,” a film that dramatizes how technology has alienated people from one other.

I want to see the movie for sure, and be more mindful about being overconnected. My kids imitate my bad habits and although I am raising teenagers with their own stubborn minds, all I can do is try.

What do you think? Are we imagining the impossible?

{Step Away from the Phone from the New York Times}


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