
It’s July 2nd, and you know what that means?  You are two days shy of the Best Weekend Ever. No matter where you live, hopefully you’re putting on your T-shirt and denim shorts and getting your body ready to dip into the ocean. If not physically getting in, than the state of mind that puts you into the first real unofficial weekend of the Summer of 2014.

Today is the day that you start packing your weekend outfit, if  you haven’t start planning this to date. That BBQ, those fireworks, those margaritas.

I am bringing a lot of orange with me this time around, and here’s why.

1. Orange is the New Black.

2. If you can pull it off, orange is one of the most difficult colors to wear. But when done in the right fabric, consider a hat! and when considered in a different context, away from their primary Crayola family, orange (and yellow) can actually be golden.

Here’s to a sun-kissed weekend. Don’t forget the click on the photos below to link through to the product page, and of course, apply that sunscreen.

orange summer 2014

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