How To Dress for Winter From Bed to Boardroom

how to dress from bed to boardroom in winter
how to dress from winter from bed to boardroom

getting dressed in the winter

It is hard to get out of bed on cold mornings. Anybody feel that same way? My bed is the most comfortable and cozy it has been been in years. This is due to a new mattress, called Keetsa which a friend recommended and I couldn’t be happier. It is super soft and molds to my body without sinking. Add in some pillows, a feather-down comforter and I’m dead asleep. The problem lies in getting up and out of bed. This used to be easy for me. I was up and out early. And I never wanted to linger under the covers. Now, its a huge issue, for real and I needed a solution. Enter the most comfortable lingerie set that I never want to take off. The scenario goes like this. How to dress for winter from dress to boardroom? I got you covered. Leave it on.

My alarm goes off. Check my phone for any important missed messages. I used to look at instagram when I woke, but found this was too time consuming for the two minutes I had to get dressed. I finally get out of bed around 7:10am and look at my closet. Figuring out what to wear that day was already laid out in my head or on the floor. Life of a stylist. So it was time to take off the pajamas. And that was not happening. The feeling when I left the cozy tank and undies on and started getting dressed was novel. Almost groundbreaking. Stay tuned below for the awesome results.

How to dress for Winter from Bed to Boardroom

This might sound like a difficult task, but it is really simple. Wear your favorite lingerie set, and start layering on top like the skin of an onion. I talked about the concept of layering like an onion in past posts, see here, and here. Put on your favorite sweaterContinue delaying getting dressed.

favorite sweater


Pick out a blazer. Preferably checked. And your favorite stilettos

how to silt a winter look from bedroom to boardroom



how to get dressed in the winter

And ponder.

uwila warrior

uwila warrior

Get excited about coming home from your busy day just chilling on the couch with your favorite book. With your favorite set still on your body.

This post sponsored by Uwila Warrior. You can score their super comfortable pieces here.


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